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March 13, 2020

A message from Katy, Nina, and Eli:

We know that you rely on Healthy Living for the things you need to keep yourself and your family healthy. With the news about Coronavirus, staying healthy is more important than ever.  Health and well-being is at the core of what we do. We’ll be doing all we can to keep our stores abundantly stocked, clean, and safe. 

We want you to know that your health and safety is our top priority and we’re taking extra measures in our stores based on the recommendations from public health officials. 

We’ve always taken pride in the cleanliness of our stores and know this is even more important now. As a result, we’ve increased the frequency of cleaning common touchpoints like credit card keypads, register belts, shopping carts, freezer doors, and more. We are giving extra attention to our restrooms. We are also taking additional precautions in our cafe, espresso and juice bar, bulk department and perishable food areas. Staff are washing hands diligently, wearing food service gloves when necessary, and doing everything possible to keep you safe!  

Keeping our staff healthy is super important to us, too. We are providing guidance on the recommended steps staff can take to keep themselves and their families safe, and we are  making it imperative that any sick staff member stay home.

Effective immediately we will be making two temporary changes to increase everyone’s protection:

-We will be suspending in-store sampling and demos 

-We will not be accepting reusable cups in our barista/juice bar

These services will resume when advised. We appreciate your understanding. Again, this is temporary and we are doing this for your safety and the safety of our dedicated, hard-working staff! 


Our staff has been working extra hard to keep up with increased traffic, especially as the demand has increased for certain products like sanitizer, disinfecting spray, immune-supporting supplements, and pantry staples. We are doing our best to keep these products on our shelves when they are available to us, and we’re always open to hearing what else you’d like to see us carry. 


Here are some helpful links: 


Vermont Department of Health:

New York Department of Health:


If you have any questions, please reach out to Nina or Eli (owners) directly by email please, and we’ll answer as soon as we can.


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